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How To Get Rid of Blackheads



So, how to get rid of blackheads? We all get them, those annoying little blackheads and how to remove blackheads without causing damage to your skin, is a question many are pondering. You have come to the right place. Here you will find advice on how to get rid of blackheads fast and naturally, blackhead removal products and pictures and methods for safe and easy blackhead removal at home.


Acne can be divided into red spots, blackheads and then whiteheads. Each type of acne  is treated differently. Blackheads and whiteheads are also commonly known as known as ‘comedones’.

Blackheads, or ‘open comedones’, are follicles that have a wider than normal opening. These openings  are filled with ‘plugs’ of sebum and dead cells. The typical black or dark colour of blackheads are the result of  of  the oxidation of the melanin in these ‘plugs’.

In contrast, whiteheads, or closed comedones,  only have a small, microscopic opening to the skin surface.The material, infected sebum,  is then not oxidized, and remains white.



HOW TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS: What do blackheads look like?: Here is your answer.



The key to skin care for acne is consistency. An overnight cure has not been found. But using good skin care methods aids in the daily, steady improvement of follicle health. Since acne is not caused by eating certain foods, restricting the diet is not helpful. Since it is also not caused by “dirty” skin, excessively scrubbing does not help and can even make the skin more irritated.The best skin care for comedones consists of once-a-day cleansing with a mild soap or facial scrub to aid in the removal of excess sebum and dead skin cells. Oil-based makeup should not be used since these can contribute to the buildup of oil in the follicles. Water-based makeup labeled as non-comedogenic can be used safely.


NOTE: Permanent treatments can take several weeks before any noticeable change is seen.

Benzoyl Peroxide for blackheads. -HOW TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS

Benzoyl peroxide is the active infgredient found in most over the counter products for acne and blackheads treatment. Benzoyl Peroxide.kills bacteria  may also have a decreasing effect on the chemical reaction that changes the lining of the hair follicle when blackheads occur. This will help reduce the plugging that causes comedones. Benzoyl peroxide can be helpful for mild cases of comedones or for the prevention of blackheads.

Tretinoin for blackheads. (Retin-A, Avita, Renova) -HOW TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS

Tretinoin  (Retin-A, Avita, Renova) is most common and arguable most effective treatment for whiteheads and blackheads. Tretinoin vitamin A derivative and it works by increasing the cell turnover and helpts exfoliating and getting rid of dead skin cells. It helps in removing the plugged materialfrom the pores. Tretinoin can be irritating and can cause peeling and redness, use with care and with advice from a dermatologist.

Antibiotics for blackheads. -HOW TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS

Prescription topical antibiotics and oral antibiotics is sometimes for infected blackheads and whiteheads. Antibiotics do not help with blackheads that are not infected.

Isotretinoin (Accutane) for blackheads-HOW TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS

Isotretinoin (Accutane) is a drug that is used for severe cystic acne and it has many side effects. It is very effective for comedones (blackheads) when used properly, but is not used for mild acne or mild. It is a prescription drug.

Extraction of blackheads-HOW TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS

Extraction may be used on open comedones. The blackhead removal is done with a comedone extractor, which is a small, metal, circular instrument that is centered on the blackhead and which then pushes down the surrounding skin, resulting the blackhead plug to extrude. A blackhead remover can be purchased online or at specialist shops.

Squeezing or ‘popping’ the blackheads yorrself is the most common technique used by blackhead sufferers, but if it is nor done carefully, you can end up damaging the surrounding skin. Also, it does nothing to prevent the formation of any future blackheads and to treat the underlying problem.

Severe cases or those resistant to treatment should be seen by a dermatologist.

Steaming the blackheads-HOW TO GET RID OF BLACKHEADS

The facial steam is a favorite feature in salons, and facial steamers are extremely popular for use at home. And many steam their face the old-fashioned way, by covered their head and a bowl of very hot water with a towel.

However, steaming is not that effective for the treatment of blackheads, as the steaming itself does nothing to stop the formation of new blackheads. Steaming the facial skin can make your skin look brighter. It can also give you a rosier complexion, for a while.

For blackhead treatment, the benefit of facial steaming is that it can help to soften the blackheads and the blockages, so that it will easier to remove them, manually.



BLACKHEADS: Picture of a Blackhead or 'Open Comedone'.


- For more information and advice on how to get rid of blackheads on the nose fast, overnight  and at home, and information on blackhead removal products, please see the BLACKHEADS on NOSE page. Also, see the HOW TO REMOVE BLACKHEADS page, for advice on the the actual removal process.

Watch this video on natural blachead removal, for a good tip on a home remedy for Blackheads:

If you have questions or have any experiences with blackheads, then please share them in the comment section below.

Don’t give up. Getting rid of blackheads for good  is very possible.



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  • how to get rid of blackheads on nose
  • blackhead
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  • how to get rid of open comedones
  • blackheads in ear
  • how to remove blackheads

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